Known Issues

Any known issues with the latest release of Mappin are described here as well as their associated workarounds.

Removal of an In-use Schema Causes Project to Stop Working

Removal of a schema (from the list of schemata in the project’s Global Configuration tab) which contains tables referred to by configured Mappin layers or modules can cause the project to stop working.

Ensure you backup your configuration before removing schemata from the list. Also ensure that you have no published layers or module configurations which refer to tables within the schema being removed.

Changes in DB Structure of Published Layers not Reflected in Mappin Frontend

Changes in database structure (e.g. new columns) of a published layer are not picked-up by the end-user-facing Mappin interface (even though they are seen by Mappin’s admin interface).

In these instances, on-premises customers should restart the Mappin Component (Mappin) service which should resolve this issue. Subscription-based customers should contact the Mappin Support Team who will resolve this issue for them.

No Maximum Disk Space Allocation for Cached Tiles

Mappin on-premises does not currently allow setting a maximum for the amount of disk space consumed by cached tiles. It’s therefore recommended to monitor disk usage on the server. Scripted removal of old tiles is safe.

Nested Layer Groups Not Working

Your QGIS project has layer groups within layer groups and the layers are not loading as expected. Nested layer groups are not supported at this time. T work around this issue, ensure you only have layers within layer groups (not other layer groups).

Mappin Draws the Wrong Layer

When there are two layers within the QGIS project with the same name, Mappin doesn’t draw them properly. Layers within the QGIS project are referred to by their name you see in QGIS’ legend panel. If you have two layers with the same name in the project (even if they are in different layer groups), Mappin will not be able to distinguish between them and may not be able to draw the project at all. To work around this issue, ensure all layers in the QGIS project have unique names.

No FeatureInfo Results Showing With Views

You have published a PostGIS view with Mappin and FeatureInfo does not return any results when it should. This is a known limitation when using Mappin to publish PostGIS views. Mappin attempts to guess which column in the view has unique values. By default it tries common names including id, gid, fid and ogc_fid. Either ensure that the view includes a column of unique integer values with one of the aforementioned names, or define the VIEW_CANDIDATE_PK_COLS environment variable with a space-delimited list of additional column names for Mappin to attempt.